The 6 Steps To Creating 3D Photorealistic Renderings

The 6 Steps To Creating 3D Photorealistic Renderings

Neffie Digital Assets Photorealistic Rendering


Learn how to create and render unlimited 3D photorealistic images with Neffies Digital Assets within Adobe Dimension in 6 easy-to-follow steps. 


Step 1 | Creating An Environment 
Step 2 | Import Your Digital Asset
Step 3 | Customize Canvas Dimensions
Step 4 | Composition Lighting
Step 5 | Camera Properties (Bonus - Camera Bookmarks) 
Step 6 | Render Output Settings

Step 1 | Creating An Environment

 We'll start by creating a simple stage backdrop with 6 Planes using the basic shapes in Adobe Dimension. 

Creating And Backdrop Stage Environment In Adobe Dimension

In the image above you will find the objects we used to build the stage in the Scene Panel. We customized our panels with different texture and color, two of our panels were used as under glowing neon lights. 

Step 2 | Import Your Neffie Digital Asset

Now let's import our Neffie Digital Assets, simply go to File > Import > 3D Model (MacOS Shortcut Keys: ⌘ i ) and locate the Neffie digital asset you want to use for this project. Alternatively, you may also drag and drop your file into Adobe Dimension.

Import Neffie Digital Assets In Adobe Dimension

If you need assistance designing on your Neffie Digital Asset, head over to the How-To-Use Neffie Digital Assets blog post for an in-depth tutorial.

Step 3 | Customize Canvas Dimensions

Depending where your final image render will be seen, your image dimensions will vary. For example, online web graphics may require different aspect ratios and resolution parameters compared to print media graphics.
Neffie Digital Assets Edit Canvas Size Dimensions
With our design file open in Adobe Dimension, we will edit our documents canvas size. To access the canvas properties in Adobe Dimension go to File > Document Settings (MacOS Shortcut Keys: ⌥ ⌘ , ). Alternatively, you may also Click on the Top Left of your canvas. The canvas dimensions are shown in pixel format as seen on the image above. (Ex. 4000 x 2600 px).
For this demonstration, we will be scaling our documents canvas size to 4000 x 2600 px at 300 Pixels Per Inch resolution. 

Step 4 | Composition Lighting

Lighting your composition could be the most time consuming task. In order to have the perfect lighting, it is good to have an understanding of how real world in-studio lighting works. We will do our best to simplify this task for you and also recommend this be one of the last adjustments prior to rendering your final image.
Neffie Digital Assets Lighting Your Composition
Select the Lights icon on the Left Panel, use the 3-Point Lighting preset and adjust to your needs. We added an extra directional light to fill in dark areas.
Lighting your composition will vary upon the elements in your scene and the results you desire.

Step 5 | Camera Properties

Customizing your camera properties is not a needed step, but it can really push your renders to the next level. 
Neffie Digital Assets Camera Properties in Adobe Dimension For Photorealistic Renders
With the Camera selected in the Scene Panel, the Camera Properties will show up. We adjusted our Field of View to 15° and added a Focal Point to the center of our digital assets. This create a depth of field in the render, giving a slight blur to the background elements. You can easily adjust your Blur Amount in the slider under the Focus property.
To access Camera Bookmarks in Adobe Dimension click the icon with the Camera Icon with the Star above it (highlighted in pink on the image above). Camera bookmarks are extremely helpful, you can save multiple angles for reference or use them as render angles in the final step.

Step 6 | Render Output Settings

Finally we head over to the Render Tab on the top left and adjust your settings to match your desired results.

Neffie Digital Assets Photorealistic Render Output Settings

In our final stage we rendered a total of 3 images with 4K resolution at Low, Medium, and High Quality to compare render times. Your render time will vary upon your computers hardware and system capabilities. The render results below were achieve with the following setup:

2020 iMac Big Sur macOS Retina 5K 27"
3.3 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i5
72GB Ram 2667 MHz DDR4
AMD Radeon Pro 5300 4GB 


Neffie Digital Assets 3D Photorealistic Render Results Comparison

Image Dimensions 4000 x 2600 px at 300 DPI 
Render Quality  Low (4K) Medium (4K) High (4K)
Render Time 00 hr : 24m : 17s 00 hr : 29m : 05s

01 hr : 37m : 09s

*Images rendered at lower dimensions can drastically differ in render times. We have experience an average of 7 Minute render times for images half the pixel size. We also tested rendering an image half the size (2000 x 1300 px) and removed the depth of field view from our camera. Our final render time was 5 Minutes 52 Seconds.


We hope this tutorial gets you on your way to creating beautiful 3D photorealistic renders using Neffie Digital Assets. Let us know if you have any questions in the comments below! 


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